157. | Form birefringence in intrinsic birefringent media possessing subwavelength structure, A. Emoto, K. Nishi, M. Okada, S. Manabe, S. Matusi, N. Kawatsuki, and H. Ono, Appl. Opt. 49 (2010) 4355-4361. |
Abstract |
theoretically investigate optical birefringence originating from
subwavelength structures in intrinsic birefringent media. Assuming
alternating layers of isotropic and anisotropic materials, the
propagation of optical waves is simulated on the basis of the finite
difference time domain method. Optical polarization changes throughout
the structure reveal the birefringence of the layered structure as a
whole. In addition, the birefringence is also analyzed on the basis of
effective medium theory. The results indicate that the optical
birefringence of the structure as a whole can be modified by the
magnitude and direction of the intrinsic birefringence of the
anisotropic layers. This theoretical prediction will be useful for
micro- and nano-fabrication in optical devices. |