List of activities

New members has joined

New members has joined our lab: Keita Nakajima (Docter 1st), Raul Emilio Macias Estrada (Master 1st) and Shota tsuji (Bachelor 3rd).


The long-term internship report meeting has been completed!

On February 9th and 26th, long-term internship report meetings were held, during which fourth-year undergraduate students (Mori, Sunamura, Onozuka, and Oda) who returned from their long-term internships gave presentations on what they had learned.


We started keeping axolotl!

We have a new addition to our lab!

His name is "Goma-chan".

Please take care of "Goma-chan" from now on.


We had a Christmas party.

We had a Christmas party on December 27th, and everyone enjoyed eating cake together.


We had a farewell party for Takahi.

On 11 (Mon) Sept 2023, we had a farewell party for Takahi, who will take PhD in this September.

We would like to thank her for her guidance.
Thank you for your hard work over the past seven and a half years.

We all wish her continued success in her future endeavors.


Kosen students have come to open house.

The second Open House was held for a week from 9/4 (Mon.) to 9/8 (Fri.).

This time, three Kosen students experienced experiments with zebrafish, planaria, and selforganization group.

At the end of the week, they presented what they had done during the week and produced posters to introduce what regeneration is.


Kosen students have come to open house.

Open House was held for a week from 8/28 (Mon.) to 9/1 (Fri.).

Three Kosen students visited our lab and experienced experiments conducted by the zebrafish, planaria, and microdevice groups.

At the end of the week, they presented what they had done during the week and made posters to introduce planaria.

