The 9th International Joint Student Online Seminar on Civil Infrastructures (Online, December 8-10, 2020)
Mr. Yoshito YOKOE, Seismic hazard assessment in Yangon City using the empirical earthquake evaluation method
Ms. Ayaka IKEDA, Reproduce Past Earthquakes, 1987 Chibaken-To ho-Oki Earthquake (M6.7)
Mr. Atsuya MINAGAWA, Study on amplification factor of maximum acceleration for seismic hazard assessment
Mr. Taichi KUMAGAI, Numerical study on dynamic behavior of surface ground near the long-distance ground-flow area caused by the 2018 Sulawesi earthquake, Indonesia
Mr. Haruki SUZUKI, Estimating the ground characteristicsof Koiwagawa area which caused house damages by the 2019 Off the Yamagata prefecture earthquake
Mr. Hikaru Effects of surface ground characteristics on earthquake damage of wooden houses