機械情報制御システム工学講座 (Group of Mechanical control engineering and computational mechanics)
-- 計算力学支援, 塑性加工研究室 (Intelligent supportology for engineering computation, Plastics Technology) --

Research field: 生産工学, 材料加工学, 材料力学, Production engineering, Processing studies, Mechanics of materials
Research topics: 材料加工, 切断と曲げ成形性, 有限要素法応用, 塑性加工, 板紙類と樹脂板の成形性, 工具と加工材の AE 診断, Cutting Process of paperboard and forming technology on Plasticity, Application of finite element method, State Diagnosis of Cutting Tool by using Acoustic Emission Technique, Shear and Bending of Laminated Worksheet

  1. 近年の活動概要 (Recent activity)

    近年,多様な複合板材の複雑形状型抜加工が堅実に需要を伸ばしており,生産技術の基軸を担っている.当研究室では,塑性加工力学の知識を活 かして,主に段板紙や積層樹脂膜等の成形性とせん断加工法について,実験ならびに数値解析を行っている. また,被加工材料の大変形,熱流体輸送,異材接合 体の強度等の評価・予測に関する シミュレーション技法を基軸に,知識ベース管理,支援システムの開発方法論 に立脚した力学モデルのための知的解析・設計支援システムの開発を進めて いる.
    Diecutting technology on resin sheet, paperboard, corrugated board are mainly studied from 1995.

  2. 板紙・段板紙の成形性とせん断加工性, くさび工具の摩耗・切味   Diecutting for a converting system
    型抜刃の切味定量評価, 白板紙・クラフト紙等の剥離強さと成形性, Formability and Processibility on Shearing Problems with Paperboards, Corrugated boards and Laminated resin sheets; Wear and Sharpness of Wedging tools
  3. 事例検索支援システム   Case retrieval and learning support system
    FEA知的支援, E-learning 教材開発, 対話診断環境の開発, Intelligent supportology for finite element analysis, Development of e-learning tutorials, Interactive environment and diagnosis system  for engineering novices
  4. 圧延・線引き加工の特性解析   Rolling and drwaing stability
    3次元圧延, 線材加工時の自励振動, Three dimensional spreading and elongation  of flat-wire ductile materials during a two-high rolling process, Self-excitated vibration of wire drawing
  5. 異材接合体の応力緩和   Stress reducing on bonded dissimilar materials
    金属セラミクスの高温拡散接合体における残留熱応力と破壊則,  Residual thermal stress estimation and prediction of fracture rules of metal-ceramics dissimilar materials
  6. 流れのシミュレーション   Simulation of fluid
    無重力環境下におけるマランゴニ対流の挙動解析, Marangoni convection in viscous fluid under micro gravity

My favorite saying
By ASEE: Don't teach your students engineering. Teach them to be engineers!